Untitled (feels so far away now), Letterpress on gampi / animated gif, dimensions vary, 2020

Alyson Provax is interested in loneliness, uncertainty and memory. Her formal training is as a printmaker and she primarily works in text-based letterpress in nontraditional methods, frequently making one-of-a-kind originals rather than editioned multiples, manipulating the print as object. Alongside her original print work she is interested in alternative art experiences and makes billboards, books, animated gifs, posters and blankets.

She has shown regionally with Vignettes, Archer Gallery, Agenda, Upfor, LxWxH/Bridge Productions, Wolff Gallery, The Vestibule and the Whatcom Museum, nationally at A.I.R. Gallery in New York, Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, Montalvo Arts Center in California, and internationally at the Blueproject Foundation in Barcelona. 

Her work has been published in The Racket, Poetry Northwest, The Buckman Journal, and Eleven Eleven, and her first book was published by Volumes Volumes in 2019.


Pete Hoffecker Mejía


Anthony Roberto